Sunday, March 12, 2017

Weekend is Reflection Time


I recently discovered another awesome tarotist Carrie Mallon. She challenges us on her book "Tarot Readers Daily Companion" to use weekends as a time for reflection and ask our selves 3 questions.

Please find below my answers to the questions she asks as examples for reflection time on the weekends:

#1 What in my life feels stagnant right now?

The one thing that feels stagnant in my life right now is:
 1) the inability to forgive and forget others/ to end things when everything is over
 2) the inability to assume my age and
 3) perpetual wish/ long to be 30 years again.
I  also have a tendency to live in the past more than I live in the moment. Moreover, future is like non-existent and therefore do not even think about it often. That does not mean I do not do fun things ever. I do! The other day I had a makeover at the mall :))

#2 How can I bring fresh energy to the situation?

Based on what I read there are ways to improve the situation by:
1) meditating and conversing with my spirit guides... It takes time, and practice and a lot of quiet time to achieve this though.
2) surrounding myself with only positive people that raise my vibration and accept me exactly how I am.
3) taking up painting as a serious hobby.

#3 In what ways I am currently expanding?

I think I am expanding by acknowledging exactly what is not working in my life right now and proactively finding ways to fix those problems. I am expanding my awareness of where I am in my life and where exactly I want to be.

Now I challenge you to be true to yourself and answer the same questions, hopefully inspired by my answers. How do you feel after answering them? Do you feel like you got more in touch with your inner-self?

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