Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Book deal OFF- 6 of Swords

3:56 PM 0 Comments

 Hi everyone,

I decided to stop begging people to buy a book to help my BFF. I NEVER received any money from anyone except my family and my exes. I am not lucky like that! Most of the time I had to earn my money and none gave me anything for nothing except the people mentioned above.

It is a very sad moment I am living due to my friend of 8 years in October 22 (yeah I know not 8 years just yet!!!) departure and I am grieving  but apparently the WORLD does not seem to care about my personal drama. I am also leaving a low moment since I lost my job with Facebook a couple of months ago since the project I was working on for 5 years ended due to funds cut. Again, none cares about that either! But people are like that educated to only look after themselves. I mean most people.

I am going to give myself some time off ( 6 of swords)  to recover from this loss and  take a spiritual journey to cleaner waters. I will be back online with NEW EXCITING tarot posts! 

This experience taught me that none cares about my troubles and that I need to depend only upon myself. 

If God/ Universe wants me to meet him again one day I will meet him, if NOT no one will take our memories of great time spent together. 

Blessings everyone!

Namaste. Love and light.