Friday, December 27, 2024

Happy Holidays & looking to network!

1:06 PM 0 Comments

Hi everyone! I hope everyone enjoys peaceful time at Holidays this year. I am working till December 31 st and I also worked on Christmas day this year, enjoyed Boxing day off and my 2 days weekend. 

I have been away because unfortunately I m terribly sick, and I need to do a biopsy next year. Never the less I m back on this blog and here to stay. I am looking to network with other tarotists interested in tarot, oracles, crystals, manifesting abundunce in all forms- not necessarily becoming rich for that matter. So, please contact me at bzellag at or reply in comments.

Before I take off, I would like to share with you the two decks I purchased recently:

Disney's Hocus Pocus Tarot  Insight Editions and Jane Austen Oracle from Titan Books.

Hocus Pocus- mostly for entertainment- the quality of the cards and the booklet just awful... but the guidebook is very well written. Loved the Major Arcana very well done, excellent correlation between the movie and the traditional meanings of the cards :) However,it is only a pip card deck- did not know that until I already ordered my deck (watched the unboxing after purchase)- so very unlikely I will actually use for readings..

Piece of advise- it is more a Disney collectors deck!

Jane Austen Oracle- is awesome!! I loved it and used it everyday ever since I bought it! Only Oracle deck, not tarot related but excellent for manifesting use. Quality of the cards are just amazing.. and the art work is just beautiful. It is not necesary to know all Jane s Austen books for enjoyment of this deck, but if you do you will get full meaning of the cards... and Super Enjoyment!

Ok, so please write if want to join me for conversation or a possible tarot enterprise/ project!