Monday, August 3, 2009

Theosophy- Madame Blavatsky and Annie Besant

Since the discussion we had on soulmates in the past lives came out , also the matter of karma element arised.
So I did a little more research on this and I found about Theosophy and names like Madame Blavatsky (the founder of Theosophical Society) and her protege Annie Besant.

For those new to theosophy I will summarize the fundamentals of this religion (even though is not a religion per se):

Theosophy it comes from Greek Language and it means Wisdom of God or Divine Mind.
In my definition theosophy is a form of spirituality that includes a form of Truth embedded in all religions. It is completing our religion by illuminating the scriptures and revealing new secret meanings. In that sense it is similar to what Tarot is doing for us-

We discussed about soulmates and deja vue feelings when we first meet and we explained that this is happening because perhaps we met in a previous life. In theosophy death is a recurring incidence in a series of lives.
We also talked about karma and this in theosophical concept is t he process of readjustment from bad to good. It is the process of restauring harmony in our lives. In that sense karma is the reflection of our thoughts, words and deeds.

In theosophy all our questions are answered when we understand God's Plan. And I do think that Tarot and meditation are the best to achieve this. Forces of nature do not operate by chance. Every event happens according to certain laws of nature.

Now laws of nature are above and more strict then society laws. Even a judge in our world is not above the natural law. I have been told that I do not obey the society restraint. The reason behind that is because the law was never applied correctly and it has been interpreted in a malicious way that created a huge injustice on my side. Also society is not an extremist group that happens to have local power in South Florida. The laws I obey are just and belong to higher spirits not the written law.

If anyone has deeper, further knowledge in theosophy and would like to share it with everybody please post your comments.


  1. Hello Biancat,

    I havent' been here for a while. Just want to wish you MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! I celebrated mine last Aug.2.


    Congratulations too. This blog has grwoen and is getting bigger.

  3. Hi Greenilosity;

    I am glad you are back and Happy Birthday to you too :)


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