Monday, February 29, 2016

Major Aracana Series- the High Priestess

Today we continue the tarot writing project the Major Arcana Series with the High Priestess.

The general overview:

There are things about your situation you do not know, they are hidden. There is mystery around a situation and there are past life influences into the present. You may feel a psychic connection with someone you just met and have deja-vue feelings towards that person. There is hidden knowledge that needs to be revealed. The High Priestess is ruled by the Moon indicating that the situation you are in may involve dreamwork, divination, spell-casting and magic.

Issues and Problems:

The knowledge you are seeking is hidden and you may need to take extra steps to find it or leave more time to reveal itself. You or someone you know is withholding information, meaning keeping a secret or having hidden intentions. The High Priestess in challenges position can also mean you are receiving advice or getting help from a spiritual woman or a counsellor. You may find it difficult to trust yourself, believe in your feelings or your situation.


You have the intuitiveness required to decide what is right for you. Answers to all your questions are within you, trust your own mind. Spiritual enlightenment is key in the process of self-discovery. You can trust all your instincts without reservation, your gut feeling will show your way. It is the best time to investigate the unknown and the occult. Sometimes the solution is as simple as furthering your knowledge through education or training.
In the picture above we have the High Priestess in 4 different decks, from left to right as follows: #1 The Tarot of Jane Austen, #2 The Tarot of Celtic Faeries, #3 Nicoletta Ceccoli Tarot, #4 Dark Grimoire Tarot.
Explanations vary from deck   to deck as follows:

In the first deck we have Jane Austen herself depicting the High Priestess. The reason for this association is the word "virgin". Jane Austen was never married and the High Priestess is perceived as single as well. It is important to be said that she was single by choice, as it is known that she turned down a marriage proposal from Bigg- Wither, a wealthy man who would have changed her troubled financial situation. The reason behind this refusal is partly due to the fact that she did not want to give up writing in favor of a wealthy marriage. The High Priestess is card number 2 in the Major Arcana, symbolizing balance and choice as well as wisdom. With this card the message is clear you know more than you think you do and others seek your advice.

In the second deck we have a "high priestess fairy". The author of the deck Mark McElroy, tells us on the book that accompanies the tarot pack that he could not find any "virginal creature" in the Celtic folklore so he chose an imaginary High Priestess of the fairy crowd to illustrate this card. He thinks of her as mysterious, unattainable and unapproachable as well as glittery and attractive. This is a time to mediate, watch and listen rather than to take action.

In Nicoletta Ceccoli's deck we have the High Priestess connecting with the "ancient mysteries". In her vision the High Priestess embodies wisdom and feminine intuition. It is easy to notice from the picture that she illustrates High Priestess as winter, showing the bareness, lack of feelings and affection associated with this card.

In the last deck the High Priestess is shown as a "wise woman", maybe even a witch that has knowledge of the "World of the Dreams".

What is your impression of these cards? Is anything you know not written here? Please share.

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