Sunday, August 4, 2024

New Moon in Leo- I m back

 Hi everyone,

it has been a long time since I posted here... and made some promises but never had the chance or energy to get back here. Today we have a New Moon in Leo, who is also a personal New Moon- because I am a leo. Have been sick since I got back from vacation at the sea side remote youth resort- It has been awful last 2 weeks or so, but feeling better now. 

Starting on Tuesday I am on vacation and will have more time to get back here writing happily. 

In short this past year has been a year in which I acommplished nothing, almost hibernated... due to a very tiring job and and the simple desire for status quo/ to change nothing. My Tunisian friend was here for support for the entire year... and that was kind of enough for me. Now he is leaving for good this week, and I will need new activities to make up for his absence, tarot will be one of them. 

What is happening in Gaza it is just awful. I have been warning people here in my blog about the Jews and what the crimes they commit  over 10 years earlier. Now the whole World knows what I found out on my own the hard way since 2006. It is very sad, and my heart stays with Palestine and Palestinian people.

Writing back in few days... until then a picture from the sea side resort I went last month. This is just a view from my hotel room. And yes there is the sea to the right, and the sunrise at 5 AM.

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