Sunday, August 4, 2024

New Moon in Leo- I m back

2:05 PM 0 Comments

 Hi everyone,

it has been a long time since I posted here... and made some promises but never had the chance or energy to get back here. Today we have a New Moon in Leo, who is also a personal New Moon- because I am a leo. Have been sick since I got back from vacation at the sea side remote youth resort- It has been awful last 2 weeks or so, but feeling better now. 

Starting on Tuesday I am on vacation and will have more time to get back here writing happily. 

In short this past year has been a year in which I acommplished nothing, almost hibernated... due to a very tiring job and and the simple desire for status quo/ to change nothing. My Tunisian friend was here for support for the entire year... and that was kind of enough for me. Now he is leaving for good this week, and I will need new activities to make up for his absence, tarot will be one of them. 

What is happening in Gaza it is just awful. I have been warning people here in my blog about the Jews and what the crimes they commit  over 10 years earlier. Now the whole World knows what I found out on my own the hard way since 2006. It is very sad, and my heart stays with Palestine and Palestinian people.

Writing back in few days... until then a picture from the sea side resort I went last month. This is just a view from my hotel room. And yes there is the sea to the right, and the sunrise at 5 AM.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Delay- 7 of Coins

3:00 PM 0 Comments

Hi everyone,

I have been busy with work. Also I am an accounting student at the moment to refresh my knowledge from 10 years ago. I also joined a gym to improve my health. For the last 2 weeks I took time off from everything including school and gym to renew and recharge. Starting on Thursday I will be re-starting full force. 

Sometimes in order to move forward we need to take a step backwards, to do nothing, to stand still in order to see how far I have got until now, to contemplate what I have achieved and what I need to do next. This is the main message also given by the 7 of Coins. 

The book writing is still in the works, so please be patient. It should be done before the end of this year.

Love and light,


I totally recommend Light Seer's Tarot deck- is my favorite deck at the moment

light seers 7 of coins

Saturday, August 5, 2023

50th Birthday Aniversary

11:40 AM 0 Comments

 Hi Everyone,

Happy Bithday to me! Tomorrow is my 50th birthday aniversary. Yes, half a century of living on this planet, it does feel like a great accomplishment. I would like to give few words of wisdom to my faithful blog readers and to everyone else happening to stop by. 

#1 not being married nor in a relationship feels great, grace to my parents, my best friend and my ex husband who make my life easy to live. 

#2 solo parenting of teeanage son is proved to be a challenge and still something I need to get better at 

#3 don't need a lot of money to feel happy

#4 looking back I would have done a lot of things completely differently- my biggest regretts are dating the wrong people and making poor choices in love. I have few or no regretts regarding financial choices. 

#5 I have a deja vue feeling that I will marry again and have a new baby. Don't know how and when, I just know that I will. 

#6 Just let my enemies know, that I am not dead yet and I will be back to get things straight. When I am not sentimental, not lead by emotions I can keep a cool head and I can make the right decisions for myself. I am going to win this time. 

#7 Dragon Fly/ the Magician- the "ghostly, imgainary friend" I used for inspiration in writing many articles in this blog- will be back in my new articles.

#8 I am not psychic, and I use Tarot mostly for therapeutical purposes

Friday, July 28, 2023

Who I was is no longer who I am

12:28 PM 0 Comments

 Hi everyone,

I have noticed a lot of people went reading my blog posts from back in 2009- but who I was back then is no longer who I am right now. I am a different person now, not only 14 years older but a spiritually new born person. I used to be in love, hurt, vengeful and resentful towards the people who wronged me, but I learned to forget about all that. I am not ready to forgive them, but I am willing to forget about them. 

Next week I m starting my 2 weeks vacation and I m planning to turn this blog into a book. I have not decided what kind of book is going to be: just a tarot journal book, or a bio including some politcal thoughts  as well. This blog has helped me heal my past wounds and was used mostly as personal therapy in the process of healing from a big trauma. I am even considering writing up 2 versions of the book- one just commercial keeping things lighter- tarot focused and another more fact based/ biographical. 

So, please excuse my leave of absence for the next 3 weeks or so!

Love and light!

Friday, July 21, 2023

Books Recommendation

4:48 PM 0 Comments

 Hi everyone,

it has been some time I did not post in here... I just decided to take some time off from online. 

Meanwhile I have been deeply disappointed that both my online spiritual magazines from Apple Store have been cancelled. It has been really difficult couple of months since I was really dependent upon reading these magazines and now they are gone. I was buying them every month for the last 2 -3 years. Anyway I had to fill in the gap with other books about mindfulness, manifestation and astrology. 

I am currently reading... at very slow pace Manifest Dive Deeper by Roxie Nafousi. I already read her first book Manifest - 7 Steps to Living Your Best Life. It is easy to read and to understand, and can be broken down in small pieces to be read every night before bed, or whenever you have time to do so.

At the same time I m also reading the positive motivational book You Can Heal your Life by Louise Hay. She had a wonderful long life and her books is full of positive affirmations and encourages positive thinking in order to change our lives. Change your thoughts in order to change your life. This book comes as a recommendation from another book I m reading slow pace - Ask and it is given: learning to manifest your desires by Esther and Jerry Hicks. 

Personally the hardest part in the manifestation process is to focus on the things I want, since it seems I am not sure what I really want. Sometimes I wish for some things, and other time for other things... It becomes impossible to realize something I don t even know what I want. ...That is why I decided to read more books before I actually sit down and actually organize my thoughts and clear my mind to focus on my goals. I even aquire a manifestation journal - The Manifestation Journal- Achieve Your  Potential  and Create teh Reality You Desire by Gill Thackray

Lastly I bought a book by Joanna Watters- mainly because I knew about the author. She was often advertising in the now gone Apple Store magazines- Soul and Spirit  and Spirit and Destiny. She is a former London based astrologer and tarot reader that moved in 1995 in Lefkada- Greece and she runs Tarot and Astrology Summer School classes from her house over there.

The latest book I read and I totally recommed is Be Your Own Astrologer- Unlock the Secrets of the SIgns and Planets. It is a great book, that made me discover new aspects on my chart- even after I thought I had it all figured out. It helped me find out my true career purpose .

Ok, without giving too much info on these books, in order not to spoil your reading, happy reading everyone!

Friday, April 21, 2023

Bridget Jones Tarot Journal- NO MORE

2:39 PM 0 Comments

 Hi everyone! 

Sorry I have been missing for some time now, but I have been sick, again and again and also were the holidays/ Easter/ Ramadan. 

Today is End of Ramadan- finally I will get my friend back! Happy Day indeed. Also Easter is over and now life can go back to usual. 

For the last months this blog became more of a Bridget Jones tarot journal than a tarot blog. I am not sure this is the way I want to go. 

I am 50 this Summer and I am looking for ways to turn my life around. I am looking for better rewarding jobs and tried to find ways to give my life a makeover. I am sure is still possible, I was not yet determined to make the necessary changes yet. I have a demanding job and afterwork I find little energy to do anything else. 

However, starting today with the New Moon in Aries engery that just happened yesterday I am ready for Change. This New Moon is all about excitment/ second chances and restarts- according to Yasmin Boland. 

I am reading Roxie Nafousi manifestation books, yes I bought both of them. I just need it a boost in my confidence that I have what it takes to start a NEW, BETTER, MORE MEANINGFUL LIFE.

In the past months I was not able to manifest any of  the items on my list, but then I got Roxie Nafousi's book and she said that if we are not sure what we really want to manifest/ it is easier to start manifesting a feeling. I can go with that, she is right it easier to manifest a feeling of contentment or happiness than to put exact items on my list, such as winning the lottery. 

Then she wrote about self-love, and how we need to forgive ourselves. I keep having difficulties not blaming myself for my life in the past and she has helped me understand I need to love myself enough to fogive myself for all the things that went wrong in the past. I was stuck on the idea of getting a second chance in the States and the impossibility of that brought me pain. However, now I learned that I should look for second chance somewhere else, and this is still achievable. 

The idea is now with the help from the Moon, it is a great time to start something new, for all of us. 

Happy manifesting everyone!

New Moon Best Wishes!