Saturday, February 1, 2014

Tarot Project Business Plan- Lesson 4

How to prepare a Tarot Project Business Plan- Lesson 4

The image below represents the 8 of coins card from my favorite tarot deck, the Jane Austen tarot deck by Lo Scarabeo and synthesizes the focus of today's lesson.

The card depicts Anne Elliot of Jane Austen's Persuasion novel multitasking: taking care of a child, keeping the books, entertaining, reading and directing Captain Wentworth after the tragic accident. Some of the questions one may ask are: what is she reading? is Captain Wentworth still sorry for loosing her in the past? Can he notice the difference in her from what she has been ?
Astrologically this card represents Virgo, an earth sign but is ruled my Mercury. Can you see the connection?

I am not going to prepare an actual business plan for you, but I will give you the guidelines to complete your own.

  1. A business plan is a detailed document that sets out in both words and numbers a business start-up such as a tarot project.
  2. The role of a business plan is to persuade backers to make a donation or a contribution.
  3. A business plan is also a planning tool for verifying your progress throughout the project.
  4. Main steps:

  • write down your tarot project/ business idea;    
  • answer a lot of questions yourself related to your project such as: who is your competition? who are the people you will be approaching for finance? do a market research for your project; 
  • prepare to show your competence/ that you own the skills necessary to succeed;
  • produce a Cashflow forecast and prepare your selling targets that you need to meet to stay in business.

Ok, do not hesitate to ask me any questions you may have regarding the preparation of a business plan for a tarot project or about the 8 of coins selected as the theme card for today.


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