Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Strength- Major Arcana Series

Hi everyone,

we continue the tarot writing project with the Strength card, card Number 8 of the Major Arcana.

The Strength

The general overview of the card
The Strength is referring to facing opposition in a courageous, daring way. The zodiac sign corresponding to this card is Leo and the element is fire. The areas covered by Leo sign are creative pursuits, romantic relationships and gambling activities. The strength card is referring to two different types of strength: physical strength and mental/ spiritual strength.

Issues and Problems:
Some of the issues associated with the Strength card are rage, anger and losing control. Passions can get too fiery or you could be denying your true feelings. You might be using too much force in expressing your intentions or your emotions. The challenge with this card is learning to tame your animalistic instincts within you and to control your passions and desires. If you doubt your situation the strength card is telling you to trust and have faith in yourself and your intuition, but do not overuse your power or trust.

You can discover the power within to balance your emotions and bravely face any obstacles and opposition. You have deep connection with animals especially with cats or felines. Regardless the temptation you always have a choice over your actions and behaviour. Use your inner-strength to guide you in your decisions and help you achieve the desired end result.

Above we see the Strength card in 4 different decks:  #1 Tarot of Jane Austen, #2 Tarot of the Celtic Faeries, #3 Nicoletta Ceccoli Tarot and #4 Dark Grimoire  Tarot.

It is easy to notice that in the first two decks the Strength is considered card number 8, but in the last two decks it is card number 11. Initially I had a picture up with all cards number 8, as I always consider the Strength card number 8, associated with the month 8- August and also because leo is the ruler of the Strength card. However, at a closer look I have noticed that in the last two decks the images used for card 8 were in fact the Justice card images, and I immediately corrected the error.

So, what you see in the picture are all pictures of the Strength card in regardless of the card numbers.

In the first deck we see Henry Crawford (the Magician) and Fanny Price of Mansfield Park. We are being told by the author that the two people represent the two types of strength: the physical strength (natural instincts and urges) represented by Henry Crawford and moral or spiritual strength embodied in Fanny Price. When this card appears in a reading it may mean you are in between your mind/ spiritual and your body/ physical desires. Whatever it is you are fighting, you have the ability to triumph over your struggle. Fanny needs to use her "strength" (instincts and courage of her convictions) to resist Henry's enchantment.

The Tarot of the Celtic Faries uses Whoopity Stoorie to depict the Strength card. Whoopity Stoorie looks scary/ unattractive, but she holds the secret knowledge of turning raw materials into goods (ex: white linen wedding shirts). She uses her unique "strength" to achieve "selfish" personal goals.
The author's message behind this card is that appearances can be deceiving, and people that can look "powerless" can have "unseen" Strength. The key with this card is to discover who you really are, what is your life purpose and following what your are meant to do.

In the Nicoletta Ceccoli's deck, Strength card has a clear message that if you are fighting for the good, you will triumph in the long run. Just like in the Jane Austen Tarot, with the Strength card there is a call for using your instincts/ your gut feelings when dealing with your situation.

In the last deck we have a girl confronting the demon/ giant Nyarlanthotep.  The "strength in her heart" not "grimoire" will help her conquer the evoked demon.

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