Sunday, January 26, 2014

Visualization in Tarot

Lesson 3- Visualization in Tarot

Today I am going to talk about visualization in tarot according to Mary K. Greer's view combined with my own take on it.

Creative visualization = Active imagination - it is used before any work with Tarot, but also has other uses such as dream interpretation, psychoanalytic processes or the law of attraction (if we want something we need to visualize as it already have been accomplished in order to manifest). One thing I do is visualize my goals. I would like to tell you what my goals are but I would like to keep them private. Also visualization is used in order to get in touch with our Spirit Guides, but I will have a separate lesson on that. Yes, each of us has one, but very few of us have the actual ability to communicate with them. It takes deep concentration and a lot practice.
More easily is to communicate with Faeries, as they are wonderful cheerful spirits more eager to appear when are called for, especially when we found ourselves outside, in nature. One thing I found by personal experience is that Faeries will also complete wishes, they certainly did mine. Again, I will be talking more about them together with the Spirit Guides in a separate lesson.

For any creative visualization you need to start with relaxation and grounding exercises. Grounding is an exercise in psychic work with the purpose of clearing the channel of communication with the Tarot cards. For grounding you need to sit upright on a chair, spine straight, both feet on the ground, shoes off, hands on your legs and palms down.  Next step in grounding is to follow a breathing exercise: exhale visualizing you release all your worries through your feet, then inhale imagining breath in vital energy all the way through your body and out through the crown of your head. With every inhalation you must feel a sensation of well-being & health and you must feel generally energized.
Last, connect with a point of light above your head, and picture drawing rays of light down towards your heart. To center yourself take 3 slow deep breaths.

Another way to visualize that Mary K. Greer suggests is to pick a Major Arcana card from all the cards and place it in front of you and take a good look at the card. Then, with your eyes closed try to remember the details of the card you picked and also try to answer some specific questions such as:

  1. 1. where there any messages/ instructions for you?
  2. 2. what figures where on the card (animal, human, spirit)?
  3. 3. did you hear, smell or sense anything while holding the card?

It is very important to record your impressions and feelings too.

At the end of each lesson I said I will present you one tarot reader I admire.
Today I will present you Kelly Ann Maddox. She is young but very smart, articulate, funny and knows so much about Tarot.
Here is a link to a video on her Tips on Visualization.

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