Sunday, July 10, 2016

2016 Broward Elections - END Satz Regime!!

I decided to repost and slightly edit a post I did about 4 years ago, because there are elections again in Broward, Florida. Sate attorney Satz instead of retiring wants to continue in function. Obviously he thinks he will live forever!!
Please read further, if you want to know my story and what this man did to me and my family.

Please Donate... Elections are this SUMMER
If you are reading this blog article please read further.
There is no accident! It means you are called in to spiritually connect with me.

In 2006 I left Boston, MA for a new “better” life in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It was a big change for me and I knew none at my new location. Unfortunately I met a guy who seemed a wonderful man at the time. He totally swept me off my feet. Only shortly afterwards I found myself seduced and abandoned because #1 he could not  get a green card off me as he originally hoped ;#2  I did NOT sleep with him,  and #3 I did not get a divorce for him. Through him I was introduced to a tennis store in Fort Lauderdale. I visited the place often, even when HE was NOT there and I thought the employees in that place were my friends. As unbelievable as it sounds, I even baked cookies for them and bought them chocolate on holidays. Later they turned out to be anything but friends and my biggest nightmare. One day, out of the blue I found myself brutally thrown out of the store with no explanation. At that time I entered a state of shock and I could not move, but none offered me any help or even a glass of water. The reality I was living seemed surreal to me. I was a victim of these vicious people that I thought and treated as friends. They also complained that I did not buy enough from their store, and I should buy for more money every time I visit the store, not just a pair of socks(even though I made purchases in the store of over 1,000USD). Upset I wrote a letter to the owner explaining him the situation and that I could sue the store for what they did to me. Immediately after my response, they had the man I was in love with file for a restraining order against me. This was just a charade to protect themselves against the  previous illegalities they committed in the store (like why they took my money and threw me out of the store like a dog, why they did not assist me when I got sick in their store).
Now, instead of having them punished and prosecuted by law for what they did, I am instead harassed and threatened by state attorney Satz and his people. His people together with the Jewish store completely destroyed 3 laptops, sent spam, threats and pornography to my computer. Because everything they were doing I could not even sleep at night. I was constantly under attack.
The natural question is how did that happened. In my case, the answer is simple they are all fanatic Jewish and friends from before. Moreover, state attorney Satz, as well as some of the store employees and the owner are fanatically prosecuting me on the simple reason that I am NOT Jewish and I support the Palestinian cause. Between 2007 and 2008, I and (then my new born) son were seriously harassed, followed, oppressed, even almost injured by Satz and his people all over Broward county making it impossible for me to keep my job. They illegally denied us a peaceful, normal life in Fort Lauderdale. For those that do not know, Satz is Broward state attorney for as long as he can remember. There was no democratic voting in Broward County for more than three decades. This man uses certain police officers to prosecute, harass and oppress a lot innocent people like myself and my small child for reason of Color, Ethnic Faith and /or Political Beliefs.

There are New elections for Broward state attorney right this Summer.

In order to return to Fort Lauderdale and fight Satz’ Regime (and the people who injured me) please make a donation and/ or contact me for how we, all together as one can make a difference in beautiful Broward County. (The donate button is on the left side, further down the blog).
PS- last election I had been asked a question on weather or not I think he will be re-elected which I chose Not to answer, this time around I have a prediction: HE WILL NOT GET RE_ELECTED!!
Blessed be!!

Emperor (Satz, aah sorry Bismarck??) is disappointing(5 of Cups) and deceptive (the Moon) to Florida.

PS- the DARK GREEN is the color protest I started last month. See link here: color protest

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