Saturday, July 9, 2016

Sneak Peek - My Garden

Ok, today I want to let you have a sneak peek at the last 2 tarot cards: the Judgment and the World trump cards and yes, my garden.

First of all I need to say I am not much of an outdoor person, unless it involves beach and/ or a pool. However, my family has a garden, where I do not get very much involved. This might change for the rest of the Summer mostly because I have a new found interest in herbs.

First, the Judgement card:

it is going to be an interesting study because it is "less" of a negative card, but also not a positive card either.

Second, the Word card:

which is more of "neutral" card with both positive and negative meanings.

And now the flowers in my family's garden:


this pine tree is in my family garden for as long as I lived...and 10 years before that:

Blessed be!

PS- I know is Summer and most people are going on vacation, but me and my son are thinking of Halloween.. We are choosing our Halloween costumes (Slanderman for my son, Morticia makeup for me :) and watching Addams Family movie. And if that would not be funny enough, recently I found a post on facebook where "other" people are doing the same thing as us.. so it might be not a coincidence after all.

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