Saturday, February 18, 2023

New Moon in Pisces- Manifestation Advice

Tomorrow is New Moon in Pisces,

and I want to give some manifestation guidance.

Every month at new moon we are supposed to make a list of our wishes and wants/ goals we want to manifest until then next new moon. This new moon is in Pisces, and for leos falls into their 8th house. 

What all this means?

According to moonologist Yasmin Boland, New Moon in Pisces means "My conscious dreams create my reality". Pisces- is home of dreams, mystical matters and compassion. 

When New Moon is Pisces - we can release fear, work on our intuitive skills. We should write down our dreams this month and it is said that daydreams  can come true. For Leos, tomorrow's new moon falls into our 8th house- the house of shared finances, and sex. 

For me personally this means- more money (meaning stop giving money away and start saving), better sex (watch Sex Lives new season on Netflix starting March 2nd)  and overcome my fear of being alone and other limiting beliefs. Know I have the power to change the conditions of my life.

There are few questions we can ask this new moon:

What would I do if I had more money?

Should I take a new loan out or pay off my old debt?

What can I do to save more money this month?

Should I ask for a pay rise?

You can surely do what I do and try to answer the questions above with reading tarot cards. For me tarot cards are like my best friend/ advisor. You can always have a conversation with your tarot cards and see what they have to say about the matter at hand. Sometimes they give you clues into a different perspective and they can open up your mind towards things you were not able to see before.

One piece of advise though, in my experience if the cards just do not make sense do not insist on giving you an answer to that question. Leave them for a day or two, and come back later and see if they make sense after you give them some rest. If they still do not make any sense, it means Tarot does not want to give you an answer and you should leave it to that. 

Ok, Happy Pisces Month everyone!

Moonology Manifestation Deck, Yasmin Boland

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