Monday, February 20, 2023

Dating Advice: Balance is Key

Hi everyone, 

today I want to share some dating advice for the younger women. This is an analysis drawn from my own life experience of almost half a century.

When I was young I did not know this and now I wish I did. 

If you are fair looking but not good  looking enough/ beautiful and wish to marry someone handsome it is always going to be a tradeoff. You will end up being with someone better looking than you but interested more on your money than you. Or, if money is something you do not have at least looking for papers or citizenship in a better country than that of their origin. 

Maybe it seems like a good tradeoff, unfortunately it lasts only as long the better looking partner 's interests are fulfilled (meaning giving them money or staying married until they get the permanent residency in the better country or unitl they find out you won't marry them for papers). 

The same scenario happened to me with multiple partners both in the US and Europe. 

So I learned to stay OUT  of psychotic/ desparate to marry men from Venezuela, drug addicts from Iran, chronical liers from Israel, short term marriage men from Algeria or gigolos from Tunisia.

If you are beautiful and marry into wealth, I am not sure if that would make you happy either unless you are more interested in material things than love. Both my second cousins are very looking and both married out of interest and they ended up having a lot more than I have based only on their looks and not their intellectual capacity or working skills.

This had me thinking of all the years of schooling and study I went through did not bring me more than a medium income paid job, not sufficient to buy any property on my own. 

Now lets consider children. When I was young all I cared for was a better looking partner disregarding their schooling abilities. This came back to haunt me as a big mistake. My son is yes, good looking but does poorly in school. I was a very studious student and always had good grades not straight A student but a B+ average student. So I always took for granted that anyone can study just as easily as I did. Well that belief proved wrong, and now I struggle to accept my son's school situation. Part of the situation may be my fault because I give him money and gifts without setting any school expectations from him so maybe he is not motivated enough to study. Nevertheless even the lack of motivation in schooling is not an excuse for his disinterest in any intellectual activities. 

SO, yes please do pay attention to the intellectual capacities/ study in your partner before you decide to have children with them. 

I know it is going to be hard to impossible to find a partner both very studious and very good looking, but you may need to find a balance between good looks and studing capacity. 

In conclusion, do NOT let infatuation get control of your mind when choosing a partner. On the other hand do not let greed rule your thinking either. In other words try to find a balance. Balance is key.


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