Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tarot and Chakras

I know it has been a long wait and I have been confronted with a lot of obstacles and decisions to make. However this wait is coming to an END as I am ready to start our Tarot Lesson 1 on November 1st :)

Earlier I posted some information on Tarot Cards and their Astrological correspondece. Please if you did not read it do so in preparation to the Tarot Lesson starting this Sunday. It is important to know your sign corresponding Tarot card and to get to familiarize yourself with that card. If you are not sure about it make sure you do ask me on the comments of this post.

One thing I will add TODAY is the correspondence between some of the Tarot Cards and the The 7 Chakras. Think of this as a preparatory background info necessary before the Tarot class.

  1. Chakra One: Muladhara (root support) = World (21)
  2. Chakra Two: Svadhithana (one's own place) = The Tower (16)
  3. Chakra Three: Manipura (lustrous gem) = Wheel of Fortune (10)
  4. Chakra Four: Anahata (unhurt) = The Sun (19)
  5. Chakra Five: Visuddha (purification) = The Empress (3)
  6. Chakra Six: Ajna (perceive & command) = The Magician (1)
  7. Chakra 7: Sahasrara ("thousandfold") = The Fool (0)

Combining the chakras body positions with the Tarot Card interpretations will give us powerful messages that can be outlined as below:

Chakra One- base of spine; Element: Earth; Color: Red; The World represented by Saturn becomes a fundamental card for the Querent because it will represent the foundation of his question. In the upright position will mean stability, structure, security in the Reversed position it will mean the Chakra One is unbalanced and therefore the Querent will have fear issues.

Chakra Two- low back, hips; Element: Water; Color: Orange; The Tower will refer to emotions and sexuality, the purpose will be movement/ flow. When the Tower is reversed there will be issues with guilt/ unbalanced chakra two.

Chakra Three- solar plexus; Element: Fire; Color: Yellow; The Wheel of Fortune will relate to personal power, will, self-esteem. When this chakra is out of balance the Wheel will be Reversed and there will be self-esteem/ shame issues.

Chakra Four- chest; Element: Air; Color: Green; The Sun here is connected to feelings of love and relationships. When the Sun is reversed there will be pain/ grief.

Chakra Five- throat; Element: Sound; Color: Blue; The Empress will deal with communication and creativity. If this chakra is unbalanced there will be lies, problems with listening and speaking the truth;

Chakra Six- brow; Element: Light, Color: Indigo; The Magician will talk about clarity, intuition, insight. A reversed Magician will indicate illusion, problems with imagination.

Chakra Seven- crown of head; Element: thought, consciousness; Color: Violet or White; The Fool speaks of understanding, intelligence, spiritual connection, pure awareness. However, if reversed there are issues with ignorance and attachment.

I hope this helps and I am looking forward to my next Post on Sunday.

Many Blessings!

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    It has been a long time since I log in your blog, I hope that you are still doing readings. Over the last few months things were good and relax, despite the fact that I am dating two guys ( or was). Recently things have picked speed, M left the relationship, and S despite the fact that has not made a move to securing a stable relationship with met he now tells me that he loves me, which feels me great joy. However, I learned news and I now know that not all is lost with M.

    Biancat, what you tell me about possible outcomes in these relationships?.


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