Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Love Reading

I have been giving readings for so many people, but I never posted a reading about myself.

That is because I was so far from thinking anything close to romance or dating for a year now. The past events over the last 2 years have been too dramatic for me made me LOVE ADVERSE. That is unusual because I spent all my 20s and half my 30s looking for the PERFECT match/ love/ marriage.

I do not think I will ever look back at love the way I used to. That being said I am going to post a reading asking who is the best fit for me out of three contenders:

1. king of Wands- my husband
2. king of Swords - Mr. Wickham
3. king of Coins - Mr. Mystery Man/ Dragonfly

Here are the positives for each of them:

1. around him I become a domestic diva, he loves our son, pleasant company;
2. strong attraction, love tested by time, around him I look my best;
3. took most time and made the best effort to know me, very passionate, well read and spoken, knows me best, around him I would probably achieve most/ be my best;

and some negatives..

1. unable to protect me and the baby or to sustain a family;
2. the problem I still have is forgiving him; very undecided- aways one step fwd, and 2 backwds;
3. I never seen him, not sure if there will be a physical attraction and I do not like his profession.

The cards I got for each of them are as follows:

1. King of Wands- 9 of Cups (but reversed)
2. King of Swords- 2 of Cups (also reversed)
3. King of Coins- Knight of Wands (upright)

The card interpretation comes closely in favor of Dragonfly. The other two each having good cards but in a reversed position.. and I think I know the reason why is so.

I have learned to no longer speak my heart or thoughts so I will keep for myself what I think of this reading. However, if anyone wants to jump in with comments is welcome to do so.

It also make my decision easier if each will try to answer some of my questions.

For King of Wands I already asked my questions.. and I did receive an answer;

Questions for King of Swords:

1. If I will pick you will you accept me without re-inventing myself?
(As you know I always tried to match you- can you try to match me too?
I am willing to make the changes that you want, but I do not want to be alone while working at it.. I want your motivation and support);
2. Will you be willing to cut your sports activities time in exchange for more time with me?
3. Do you think you will be able to overcome your constant need of search for new relationships?
4. Can Mr. Wickham turn into a Mr. Tilney?

Questions for King of Coins:

1. can you make yourself more "visible" to me?
2. if in my past I have not been an immature Elizabeth, but closer to a Lydia can you accept me like this?
3. If your daughter will not like me how will he handle it?
4. Can you help undo the Florida misfortune?

Ok.. I am looking for all advice and feedback I can get.


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