In some tarot decks card 8 is for Justice and the Strength is card 11. There should be no confusion: the rule of thumb is image prevails; forget about the numbers!
Strength in Tarot is not about physical power. As a matter of fact when this cards shows in a reading is questioning a strength issue.
For example: how strong am I on a particular matter? How long can I take it? (eg. how long can I put up with apes that break into my email and redirect my correspondence?)
Tarot Strength also speaks about the courage to admit to our faults.
And finally Strength is about being yourself and not a " converted for money bimbo machine" such Mihaela Radulescu. In case you wonder who is she?- a TV person on Romanian TV that made her "career promoting vulgarity and bad taste". I hired her in the early 90's as a presenter to an LG Brand Show. My boss advised against hiring her calling her "incompetent" and "looking not very attractive", however I insisted in giving her a chance. Her appearance was a total disaster because she came totally unprepared and her English languages skills were well under mediocre. What amazed me was her arrogance and the fact that she blamed it on the Korean people that she cannot understand English. I wonder why she did not say that before she accepted the job?
I guess if the purpose is making money by any means she succeeded but failed at everything else.
By contrary, thinking of a positive example to illustrate Strength is Lady Di. She had the strength to get out of a bad marriage and to pursue her love passion for a Muslim- Dodi. Her strength was what the Mossad (Jewish Terrorist Organization) could not handle and that is why they murdered her. Prince Charles had nothing to do with her death as the media tried to suggest.
Sentimental Advice:
Do follow your passions and enjoy every minute of your life. Be emotionally strong and you will succeed! Short term romantic escapes are encouraged.
There will be some exciting moments ahead. Get ready to launch your plans.
In Business:
Strength is about Leo and as a House 8 rules governs entertainment and gambling. Money is coming from speculative transactions. Luck is on your side, so go ahead and take your chance.
With Strength reversed by contrary take some extra care when handling chance.
Physical Attributes:
When portraying a person it will represent someone fit that enjoys physical activities. There is not physical strength but this person has strong determination and will.
Strength reversed means: too much attention to material vs. spiritual; sending or receiving mixed messages; too much passion.
- Did I discover the lion within me?
- Can I bring more "life" into my life?
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