The Tarot Deck I will use for illustration is the Crowley Tarot, because I feel the deepest connection with the cards through this Deck. However any other deck will work for you, so please feel free to choose any deck you like for your own practice.
I do not wish to repeat what you can read in other books. I will write my own explanation and interpretation of this card. Then I will give you an exercise to practice on.. Tarot is not something you can learn like any other subject because it is NOT science. Just because you know the meaning of this card it does not mean you will be able to read Tarot cards.
However, I will give you enough information to find within yourself if you are gifted enough to work with the cards. At the end, you will be able to conclude for yourself if the Tarot Cards will "speak" back to you or not. Do not get discouraged when your energy does not merge with the Cards energy - you can always ask for help from a Tarot reader that can connect and relay back to you the Tarot messages.
The Fool= Card " ZERO"-Scorpio-Chakra 7
Explanation & Meditation:
When it comes to the matters of the heart it means a new beginning. So feel free to let yourself go and experiment whatever will happen, as long as you will enjoy it.
Meaning do let yourself go to have a little more fun then usually.. but do so ONLY if it brings you JOY; It is also a warning not to make superficial choices.
Future/ Fortune:
The fortune is telling you that everything is open now to new possibilities and things are a bit chaotic; There is always the risk to have to start everything all over again.
When the Fool is in a position that will answer the solution to a problem it will mean that the solution will come by chance to you. You will need to be spontaneous to solve the problem.
Even curiosity may be helpful in this context- meaning if you have a hunch about something go ahead and explore what you think it is.. you will be NOT be noisy you may stumble on a solution to your problem;
Physical Attributes:
The Fool - when it describes a person it will be someone open-minded, innocent, eager to learn, young or just a bit childish.
In Finance/Business:
In a business reading the fool will represent a risky enterprise. It will be a good time for financial speculation. If you have a good feeling about an investment go head and take that risk! Of course you should try to still be calculated on all your financial moves, but do take a little MORE risk then you usually would.
Unless the Fool is in reversed position-In that position it will mean that some business losses will occur/ some bad investments have been made.
When the Fool is reversed all things are falling apart- "bad choices" have been made;
Meditation/ Exercise- The Fool= The Beggar=The Traveler
You will need to ask yourself the following questions:
- When was the last time you played, did something fun yet silly?
- How ready are you to experiment new things?
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