Thursday, July 30, 2009

Soul Mates

I received a lot of questions regarding soulmates. I want to share my experience with you.
I think I met 2 soulmates in my life and none of the two are the man I ended up marrying.

How to identify one?
A soulmate is a person that when you meet you are instinctly attracted to and they share your feelings. It is someone you feel you met before and you feel you want to be with forever.

What to do when you meet one?
1. Try to keep a clear mind and control of your feelings- which can be very difficult.
2. Don't try to find excuses for their faults when those are obvious- just because you want them to be perfect;
3. Do not plan so much for the future and try to live more in the present.
4. Do not fight DESTINY in order to make things happen.
5. You cannot have a healty relationship with a man that has serious psychological (committment, relationship and intimacy) issues and does not want to accept his problems even he passed 40.

What you should know:
Just because you met your soulmate it does not mean you will end up together. It takes DESTINY to make them part of your life.
Also, you do not need to be with your soulmate to be happy.

If anyone wants to add anything to the list above please do so in the comments section.


  1. Hi Biancat,

    Yes, I have had a soulmate experience....with my old boss. I always felt very comfortable with him and we got along extremely well from the word go. Unfortunately I fell in love with him and he had deep feelings for me but he is married. It has been said many times by different psychics and healers that we have shared many many lives in the past, which is why we also feel so connected to each other now. BUT, it all turned into a mess, my marriage ended (he was the catalyst for me to realise that it was time for me to move on from my controlling marriage and to discover and be who I truly am and have the freedom to grow), his marriage will end in future (quite possibly I am also the catalyst for him to get out of his convenient marriage) and although I am told over and over that he will come to me in future, I have finally accepted that we are NOT meant to be together in this lifetime. I am still drawn to him, not as much now but I do know that although I will always have him in my heart and have love for him, we will always be very true friends and be there to support each other. There seems to be a re-occuring theme in our lives together that he is there to care for, protect and nurture me....and he does that, and he has given me that again in this lifetime, given me the confidence and strength to make the changes I needed to make.

    Perhaps in another lifetime we will be together, but in this lifetime I don't believe that is meant to be. But we still have and will always have our strong bond.

  2. Melissa- thank you so much for sharing your experience. And you did bring a very important point that of past lives. Soulmates are indeed people we already know from previous lives. That is why we feel as we have known them already when in fact we just met them in this life.
    Very Good points-

  3. Daniela-
    you made a very good point yesterday regarding your perceived soulmate connection. You brought up the unconditional love regardless of teh response in your partner and your perception that he may be afraid to share your feelings. Please do share that on the soulmate topic comments. Breaking a spell is something beyond the scope of this blog. You will probably need the help of those that do witchcraft.

  4. Daniela- we will analyze next the relationship with your husband and will ask Tarot to provide any possible insight into your relationship.

  5. Hi Biancat,

    As you know by now that I am in love with this person for 8 years and always knew that he never shared the same feelings. But I always felt a connection to him and thought he was my soulmate and spirits are just putting my love to test. We were good friend in undergrad and I helped him a lot. Whenever he was in deep trouble he used to call me and thought his secrets were safe with me. I took this in the wrong sense and thought he loved me. MY feeling for him on the other hand were too obvious and everybody knew I was crazy for him. Although I never expressed anything to me verbally. I haven't spoken to him for last five years (as he is in a different country) but still feel strongly for him. I believe that love is all about giving and even if the other person doesn't share the same we should not stop loving him. This is what unconditional love is about. I know he has treated me like shit when I was with him and never responded to my feelings but that doesn't bother me at all as I feel that I should not put anything negative towards him and hinder his growth. As I am just a normal human being I still believe that some day he will have the same feelings. It really doesn't bother me if I am with him or not but just knowing that he loves me or loved me at some point of time would be a big relief and help me come out of his thoughts. It's said that sulmates have mutual feeling for each other but what if the other person has no concept of soulmates and is not sure of his feelings.

  6. I also read once that soulmates are of three types karmic, companion and twin flames. This is what I read about karmic souls.


    A Karmic Soul is a soul that we still have karma to deal with between us. Now this doesn't necessarily mean "bad" karma, it can be good karma as well. A karmic Soul Mate can be a family member (parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, etc.), a close friend, a romantic relationship, basically any relationship that has impacted our lives in any way. With these people, we always have lessons to share and these relationships can at times not be completely comfortable. Although these people invoke deep feelings (positive or negative) we seldom develop a long-term romantic relationship with a Karmic Soul Mate for these are generally more for lessons and growth rather than a life partner, romantically speaking ...(Source

    After reading this I feel he might be my karmic soulmate as I definitely learned a lot from this relation. What do you think Biancat?

  7. Daniela-
    can you please describe the other 2 types of soulmates as well: the companion and the 2 flames?
    Thank you.

    I do not think this guy is your soulmate because the cards did not indicate any type of connection in that sense. Also as we discussed the feeling had to be mutual right from the start. Two soulmates are strongly attracted to each other from the moment they see each other regardless if they know what soulmates means or not. There is also the deja vue feeling. I continue to think what I said in the beginning- that there is a spell here. But I can ask the cards about this if you like.

  8. Bianca,

    I will appreciate if you can ask the cards about it. And I truely agree with you about the spell.

    The other two types are described below. This is from a website and not my own words

    These closely resemble the Twin Flame in-so-far as this is generally a relationship based on romantic love, however there is still karma between the two people involved and although the couple can learn to live within unconditional love the relationship is not based on it. Quite often Companion Soul Mates will come together for a project such as writing a book, starting a business, or even assisting one to get through a particular trial or lesson in this life. Once the project is finished often the relationship ends as well, leaving both parties scratching their heads wondering what happened ... Companion Soul Mates can and do join together as Life Partners, especially when the Twin Flame is not present in this lifetime or when for whatever reason the Twin Flames cannot be together in this life. Companion Soul Mates are still in the teaching each other lessons mode and this is one of the major differences between a Companion and a Twin, but we'll get into those differences further on ... Often Companion Soul Mates are confused with a Twin Flame, for sometimes there is not a lot of karma left between the couple. However, whenever there is any karma left to work out then the relationship is still within the boundaries of the Companion Soul Mate realm. Companion Soul Mates have known each other in many lifetimes and have loved many times. Generally when you meet a Companion Soul Mate there is an immediate attraction, Love At First Sight if you will, although sometimes there is the opposite because of the remembered hurts of the past, but this is far rarer ...


    Twin Fames have no karma left to work out between them, they resolved all of it in past lives and come together for no other reason than unconditional love. Twin Flames love each other with no expectation of the other and with no conditions attached to the giving of that love. It is easy to say that you love someone unconditionally but you need to ask yourself could you love this person if for some reason they could not remain with you? Could you give your love to this person with no expectations, not even that the love will be returned or even recognized? Can you love this person for no other reason than there is simply no other option available to you? If you can answer a resounding (and honest) yes to all of the above then you are experiencing unconditional love. But be carful here my friend for Spirit is listening and may put that love to the test. Spirit may require that you prove yourself worthy of this love and place you in a situation wherein you must truly discover if this is an unconditional love by separating you, sometimes only temporarily, sometimes permanently, depending on what lessons you have to learn in this lifetime ... Which brings us to another point, Twin Flames are earned not given, you must prepare yourself to be able to join with your Twin flame, it is not an automatic, it is a gift. And as a gift it is truly a privilege to know your Twin Flame but you must be ready. How do you become ready you ask? Well you will have to learn to love deeper than you ever thought possible and that usually means meeting, loving and losing "near twins" to which are in reality Companion Soul Mates. Are you brave and strong enough to be able to risk loving with your heart and soul just to have the dream shattered? If not then seeking your Twin Flame is not for you for you must deepen your capacity to love before you can know unconditional love and that means experiencing pain as well as joy. The more pain you have experienced the more joy you are capable of holding within. Sometimes the cup of love must be completely shattered before it can be built strong enough to hold the love of your Twin Flame. Steel is tempered through flame and your heart must be tempered through pain before it is strong enough to protect the love of your Twin ... When Twin Flames come together they become one, they are not like each other, they are the mirror image of the other. They think alike, they hold the same values and often their life experiences are very similar, sometimes they will actually look like each otehr. By that they will have similar builds, bone structures and features. This is not however a guide as to whether you have met your Twin Flame or not ... Twin Flames do not teach each other, they learn together and help each other learn the lessons that have been set before them in this lifetime. When Twin Flames come together they join forces and are capable of overcoming obstacles the average mortal could not begin to face. They are so filled with unconditional love they literally glow with it and have much to share with others. They are the inspiration that poets write about and singers sing about ...

  10. Daniela-
    thank you so much for your contribution. It is so great to learn all these things that somehow I knew only intuitively.
    I did do the reading on the spell- and it is clearly a spell just as we thought.
    I will give you more info on the Readings Thread.

  11. Bianca,

    I am glad that you liked the post. WOW knowing about the spell is entirely a new perspective. I never thought about it ever.


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